Monday, July 9, 2012

Overheard in the supermarket...

Here's a conversation I overheard in the supermarket in the magazine aisle between two women in their sixties.  Part of me thought "Yep, that's what me and my friends are going to sound like in about thirty years".

Names have been changed to protect the crotchety.

Woman 1:  Can you believe these girls today, Margaret! 
Woman 2:  Hmm?  What do you mean? 
Woman 1:  These girls!  *gestures to magazine* Can you believe what they're allowed to get up to these days!  Back when we were young we wouldn't have dreamed of acting like that! 
Woman 2:  What are you going on about.  *looks over other woman's shoulder at the magazine*  Oh, so she left her husband and is dating all these guys now? 
Woman 1:  Yes, that's what I was saying! It's unbelievable what girls get away with these days! 
Woman 2:  Seriously, Joan?  You're seriously going to say that? 
Woman 1:  Yes!  They have no sense of decency anymore, and you know who I blame?  The parents!  I wouldn't have raised my girls to act like this! 
Woman 2:    Well I hardly think ... 
Woman 1:  And the media!  Is it any wonder that they think it's okay to sleep around like that when that's all they see on TV? 
Woman 2:  Now that's pretty rich, coming from you Joan. 
Woman 1:  What do you mean? 
Woman 2:  Who was it exactly who was going out with four different guys when we were in high school? 
Woman 1:  That's not really the point... 
Woman 2:  And who spent three weeks back in '72 living in that artist's commune up the coast? 
Woman 1:  That was a legitimate artistic retreat! 
Woman 2:  You don't paint. 
Woman 1:  Well ... I was ... 
Woman 2:  Oh, we all knew what you were there for. 
Woman 1:  *Refolding magazine and shoving it back on the rack*  Oh, just shut up.  I don't know why I'm still friends with you. 
Woman 2:  Just calling them like I see them!

*The two women wander off towards the frozen pastry section*

And this, my friends, is why you should change your friends like you change your underwear.  Old friends just know too much about you.

Actually, I lie.  Keep the old friends.  They may know where all the bodies are hidden, but they also know you'll take them down with you if you're caught, so generally they'll have your back.


  1. Oh, gosh, my mother was famous for this. She was a wild child teenager, who partied a lot, had my brother out of wedlock, and was divorced three times (two of which was from my father, but that's another story!)

    But boy, if my brother or I did one thing she considered inappropriate, we heard about it. The day I showed her the tattoo I had gotten, I was shakin' in my flip flops in fear!

    1. LOL! That generation are a bit like that. When I was listening to them I was trying to hard not to laugh. I did paraphrase their conversation a bit, but it's essentially what they were talking about :D

  2. oh yeah. that is exactly the kind of conversation i'll be having with my friends in 30 years. heck, we pretty much have those conversations now.

  3. hahahaha, today's plastic are tommorrow's aunties, they have loose their looks but not the J factor.
    What are friends there for? You keep us in our place.

  4. That is just too perfect!!!



    1. I couldn't believe it when I heard them. It was all I could do not to break out into laughter in the middle of the supermarket. It did make me wonder about the artist colony at the coast.

  5. Joan sounds like she was once a great deal of fun. Now, she just sounds like me. Very judgmental with a past that would make a hooker blush.

    1. To be fair, she looked like she was probably a bit of a looker back in the day.

  6. Parents from the 40s/50s are mostly excused from this for being pretty conservative, but now that we have parents coming from the 60s and 70s, it's pretty hard to say that the kids these days are "too wild" while they have stories from being on acid at Woodstock while walking around topless and having sex with complete strangers. Yes, and yet a 15 year old wearing booty shorts is "terrible."

    1. You should see the verbal gymnastics my Dad did when I asked him once if he'd ever done drugs :D

  7. I love this stuff. I love how older women sometimes try to act like they were all puritanical. Sadly, my mom actually WAS. She only had sex with her husbands. Although she's had three of them so she's not THAT puritanical. :)

    1. LOL! I'm certain my parents have more of a history than they've ever let me know. I'm just hoping for a secret cache of letters that tell the whole story.

  8. Go buy that that a sherry and a bingo game. what a legend

    1. LOL! From the sounds of it her tastes used to be a little more eclectic.
