Monday, July 16, 2012

I'm on a cart, heyah...

Librarians are a  funny breed.  Working as a non-librarian in the library industry, I can say that with an exasperated fondness that others couldn't get away with.  But if there's one thing that both the librarians and the non-librarians are united on in the industry, it's that what we're doing is important.

This generally leads to a lot of discussion about "What libraries mean today", battles royale about whether ebook readers are going to make printed material obsolete, and quite a lot of squeeing whenever we find something that makes us look cooler than we really are, like the Nancy Pearl Librarian Action Figure, or the TV show The Librarians.

So, because I'm both an employee and a fan of libraries, and because I love the Old Spice commercial, today I've decided to share with you a video that had all of us library boffins positively twitterpated when we found it.

You're welcome.


  1. That's hilarious! And such an effective way to get out the message of good study habits.

    1. I kind of want to ride around on a trolley like he does. Maybe I can convince someone at work to push me around tomorrow :D

  2. LOL I can see why the librarians and the non-librarians fell in love with this video :) Hope you're having a lovely weeekend!!!

  3. How is it that I just found your blog? Good stuff, I look forward to reading more - especially if the Old Spice Dude is going to be around. :)

    1. Oh, if I could I'd get the Old Spice dude to just stand in my lounge room. He wouldn't have to do anything, he could just stand there. Like a work of art. In a towel, of course.

  4. I love it. There is something about being inside a library that always forced me to study a little bit harder, for a little bit longer. It's a bit like running. Every person out there is my competition. I must run faster than them. I must pass them.

  5. That. Is. Awesome. He sounds exactly like him, too. I have a few librarian friends who'll really get a kick out of this.

  6. That is awesome. I always like to go to my library to write. Best place ever where I'm not so easily distracted by twitter.

    Libraries are more important today than ever before.

    1. I don't know if I could write in a library ... they don't bring you coffee like they do in a cafe.

  7. I love the library. There are so many books!!! And, we have coffee.

    I just found your blogs. Amazing! Rock on!
