Thursday, June 14, 2012

Irreconcilable differences...

It's sad when you hear of a divorce, especially when the couple in question have been together for such a long time.  That's why I offer my condolences to BiBi and Poldi, two turtles at an Austrian zoo, who after 115 years together have decided to call it quits.  Such a tragedy.

I can only imagine that it's the result of irreconcilable differences ... although what those differences might be I have no idea.  Maybe Poldi got sick of listening to BiBi nag him about the time he spent watching the football.  Maybe BiBi decided it was time to stop turning a blind eye whenever Poldi started getting fresh with that young strumpet of a turtle in the next enclosure.  Whatever the reason, though, it seems they've decided to go their separate ways.

It really makes you think, though, doesn't it.  What is the sanctity of marriage coming to when a union of over a century can be tossed aside so casually?  Or maybe not so casually.  According to the article BiBi did attack Poldi, biting off a chunk of his shell.  Domestic violence ... never a good sign.  You get out of there, Poldi.  Sure, she may say she won't do it again, but domestic violence is never just a one time thing.

But violence among turtle couples is well documented.  Don't believe me?  Check out the video below.

See, told you so.


  1. I don't know whether to laugh or . . . well, I don't know. Really, though, I wonder what makes them turn on each other after a century?? Maybe we should all be grateful that not many of us live that long :)

    1. I imagine if I'd been with someone that long I'd turn on them too. I know the vow is "til death do us part" but 115 years is just ridiculous!

  2. I read about this yesterday, and my first thought was to imagine what it would be like to spend 115 years with my husband. Maybe it gets harder for love to overcome all those annoying little traits after such a long time. 115 years seems like a long time to be with anyone. I don't even know if I could put up with myself for that long!

    If this goes the way a lot of human divorces do, Poldi may be living with a much younger turtle by the end of the year:)

    1. Poor BiBi, cast aside for a young harlot with a younger looking shell!

  3. Interesting stuff that well mirrors some of our modern day marriages. I love my hubby but 115 years is a looooong time to be exclusively with one person!! Love your blog BTW and just joined as a follower on your GFC (it appears under the name Marcia Doyle but that's me, Menopausalmother!). Thanks for sharing!

    1. Welcome! I tend to spout rubbish most of the time, but hopefully it's amusing rubbish :D

  4. Errr... M-kay. Where do you find this stuff? Do you read a lot? ;)

    I'm kind of with Menopausal Mama there - I draw the line at 80 years, I think. Yeah I should definitely be dead by then. The hubs can't get upset with me for saying that. :)

    1. I'm not entirely sure how I find it, I just seem to have a radar for weird stuff. It's a gift :D

  5. I have to laugh about this; I wonder what the kids thought when they told them?


    1. I can just imagine!

      "Now children, your father and I have decided to split up ... what do you mean we have to stay together for you kids? You're 89 years old for gods sake!"

  6. I blame the mid-life crisis syndrome. Soon, he'll be sporting a shiny red shell and some young slut on his arm.



    1. Definitely a mid life crisis! Although, that's a seriously long life if he's only half way through it ... maybe it was a good idea she got out now while she could!

  7. This is why it's a terrible idea to date a vampire. Eventually, he'll want to turn you into a vampire, and you're stuck with him forever. Well, forever never ends, and who wants that. You'll only separate after a few hundred years, and that will break everyone's heart.
