Bella the Neurotic Cockatiel |
Is it just me, or are pets living longer these days?
It certainly seems like it. Take, for example, Britain's oldest cat [
link]. He's 28. Hell, I work with people who are younger than that cat! There are people out there who are married with kids who weren't alive when that cat was born, just think about that for a second.
Are you as freaked out by that thought as I am?
I own two animals, or maybe it would be more accurate to say they own me. You all know about
Gypsy the Feline Dictator, but my other animal is a cockatiel named Bella who is completely insane and lives in my spare room ... and no, I didn't name her after the vapid main character of a certain vampire novel series. I bought Bella long before those books were published, back in 2000.
And there's the thing, I bought Bella back in 2000.
That means, if my math doesn't betray me, that she's at least 13 years old. When I bought her, the petshop owner told me that most cockatiels only live 7 to 10 years. So, naturally, the very next day a workmate told me all about her niece's 'tiel that was about to turn 30. That'd be right, tell me after I've bought the bird, why don't you!
But it was well and truly too late by that point, I'd already bought the perch, the cage, and a three decade commitment I didn't even know I was signing up for.
I know it sounds like I don't like Bella very much, but that's not true. Back when I first got her she was wonderful, if a little skittish. But about five years in to our co-habitation she went a little crazy. Started getting unpredictable to the point where I could never tell if she was going to smooch me or try to peck my eyes out. Eventually I just had to accept the fact that my bird was a complete nut job ... and that I may very well have to put up with another twenty years of her insanity.
I do know someone who had a 21st birthday party for their cat, so maybe it happens more often than I'd realised. Could it be possible that one day I'll be planning a "Coming Of Age" for Gypsy the Feline Dictator"?
Hmm, much more likely I'll be planning a 40th for Bella The Neurotic Cockatiel, I'm thinking.
Crap, I'm never getting my spare room back, am I.