Friday, February 15, 2013

And the new leader of the geeks is...

Well today's the day, my little geeklets!  The guesses have been tallied and only one person was able to identify all of the items and name all four areas of geekdom ... and that winner is Pickleope!  Congratulations Pickleope, and here's hoping you pick something fun with your gift voucher!

A lot of people said that they saw something Lord Of The Rings themed in the picture, but to my knowledge I don't have anything from that fandom.  Do I have random geeky things sneaking their way onto my desk now?  Anyone want to fill me in on what it is that's convinced everyone I'm a Hobbit lover?

For those of you who are interested, the four categories of geekdom that you were looking for are as below.

  1. Doctor Who:  Nothing makes hot chocolate taste better than drinking it from a TARDIS mug!  And yes, for those of you wondering, it IS bigger on the inside!  There's also a wee little picture of the TARDIS in the silver frame, which was what I got out of my cracker two years ago at the work Christmas party.  Well, what else was I supposed to do with a one and a half inch frame!
  2. Nerdfighters:  The quote that's printed on that poster is by John Green, one of the founding brothers of Nerdfighteria.  It's one that pretty much epitomises what it means to be a geek, and why that's an awesome thing.  If you want to read it in it's entirety, you can here.
  3. Harry Potter:  Yep, I have a wand.  I like to pull it out when someone asks me to do something impossible and tell that that I'll get right on it as soon as I remember the spell to perform miracles.  Also, it's very handy for pointing to things on the computer screen.
  4. Star Trek:  That mouse mat was a gift from a friend years ago.  Although you can only sort of see it, I'm photoshopped into the picture standing next to Tuvok.  There's also a very small group shot of them in the purple frame, but I thought that was probably too small for anyone to make out.
Yeah, I know.  That's an awful lot of pure geek for one desk, but what can I say.  I'm hard core.


  1. Curse! Foiled again! I should have known the quote but oh well! Congratulations to Pickleope who once again shows us all up with geekdom!

  2. Gah! I didn't even look at the poster! I thought the spider was Shelob from LOTR. So close, yet so far!!!!

    1. Ah, I see! It's not actually a spider, it's a type of New Zealand cricket that a friend brought back for me when she went there on holidays.

  3. Hail, Pickelope! I've never read the nerd quotation before -- it's great, LOL!

  4. P.S. And why AREN'T you into The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings? It would seem to be a natural fit for you, speaking as a LOTR enthusiast myself.

    1. Yeah, you'd think so, wouldn't you. But for some reason I never did get into it. Sure, I watched the movies and quite enjoyed them, but not enough to be a fan.

  5. Congratulations Pickelope! :D

  6. That doesn't surprise me that the brilliant Pickleope won! The only thing I'm not familiar with is Nerdfighters. I'll have to Google what that's all about :)

  7. Thank you! My nerdery has never won me so much as a wedgie and a swirly simultaneously! What a glorious day this truly is. I also thank you for not pointing out that I went the extra nerdy mile by identifying which Doctor's TARDIS that is. So much happiness. Thank you so much!

    1. Congratulations! I'm sure you'll have fun finding something to buy at ThinkGeek, that site is just chock full of geeky stuff!

  8. Geek out! I really want a Harry Potter wand :) The quote looks pretty cool from what is visible in the photo. Congrats to Pickleope!

    1. It's a great quote, and it explains what it means to be a nerd perfectly.

  9. I have Harry's wand! it's a remote control that I have linked to my television. the different ways that you flourish it determine what function happens. :)

    1. I've got one of those too! I love that thing, and it freaks the neighbours out when they come in and see me turning the TV off with a magic wand :D

  10. Awesome. I had no idea what was hiding in those little gadgets.

  11. Ooh, what a great opportunity! I've already gone over to vote!

  12. Your desk does say a lot about you! :) I also like the pretty rocks, the incense, the flowered tin... I didn't know that being a nerd means to be someone who likes stuff. I like stuff. Can you be a nerd/geek and not like stuff?

    1. No, I think if you actively "not" like stuff then you're technically a hipster. Hipsters are blase about things, while nerds jump up and down squealing a lot.

  13. I'm sorry, you're not going to like this at all, so I'm gonna say it quick and run, you're cool

  14. I have a wand too! Haha, but I have Voldemort's wand ha, I love it how you have your computer space all personalized:P
