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I've discussed it here before [link] so I won't go into the details, but it was because of this belief that I was interested to read about the release of a woman in Indiana who's been on Death Row for twenty eight years, ever since she was sixteen years old [link].
Now I'm not going to go into the rights and wrongs of the situation. I don't know if she deserves to be on Death Row, or if her release is perfectly justified, I just know that the idea of anyone waiting for their government sponsored demise gives me the heebie jeebies.
And yes, before all the pro-capital punishment people start giving me their reasons why it's a good idea, I know. Believe me, you could put me on the pro side of a Capital Punishment debate and I could argue for it with the best of them.
It's a guaranteed way to ensure that the person never hurts anyone again. It's more cost effective than keeping someone in jail for the rest of their lives (although I have read arguments against that what with appeals), it's a form of societal self defense, which protects a society from self destructing by removing elements that may cause other society members to lose faith in it's ability to protect them.
I can argue them all, and quite convincingly even if I do say so myself.
But that doesn't stop my heart from trying to jump out of my chest or from making funny little mewling sounds in the back of my throat when I try to watch The Green Mile, so I think I'm going to stick with my anti stance.
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