Wednesday, July 17, 2013

See what you've done hackers, this is what you've brought us to...

Internet account security is something that we've all got to deal with these days, I suppose.  What with hackers and scammers and that bloody Prince in Nigeria, you've got to have more protection on your online accounts than they do at Sexpo.

So I've done it all.  I've passworded and pin numbered and secret questioned and facial recognitioned.  I've allowed a cafe to record my thumb print so they could record my orders for their discount scheme (at least I hope to god that's why they took my thumbprint).  I've created passwords that had to have an uppercase letter, four numbers, a Greek symbol and a limerick in them before the system would accept them.  Honestly, I thought I'd seen it all.

But I have to say, I think Google might be going a little overboard with their security requirements.

You see, I've got my account set up where, when I log into Blogger, I have to enter a pin that gets texted to me.  I know, it's a bit overkill, but hackers just scare the bejezus out of me so it seemed like a good idea.  But when I logged in this morning Google asked me for a back up phone number.

Really, Google?  A backup mobile number?  Exactly how many mobiles do you think I own?

You know it's starting to get beyond a joke when an online account is asking you to buy more electronics to "keep your account safe".  If I didn't know any better, I might start to suspect that our Google overlords had shares in AT&T!

So I'm drawing a line in the sand, people!  Thus far, no further!  If a password and a unique expiring pin aren't enough to keep my account safe, then nothing will, no matter how many mobile phones I own.

So, what's the weirdest account security setup you've had to deal with?


  1. You shouldn't worry that much about hackers, they aren't as smart as you think...ah...could you just move your elbow a bit to the left, you're blocking the screen.

    1. Sure, no problems. So, what do you think of the new couch?

  2. You gave your thumbprint to a café??? There are so many things going through my head to say, but I keep going back to You gave your thumbprint to a café??? I won't even go to places that require me to scan a store card to get a discount. It's a big pet peeve of mine. Businesses should be glad to have me and give me the best price on something just because they appreciate any customer who walks in the door.

    1. I know, for all I know they're robbing a bank as we speak with a glove of my thumbprint.

  3. I left Blogger and hired a different web host so it's THEIR problem if I get hacked.

  4. AOL has been asking me for a mobile phone number for ages. Since I never turn my phone on, I don't see how that will help. I mean, if I am locked out of my email, they can just call the number they currently have on file.

    1. LOL! Personally I think there are nefarious purposes behind it all.

  5. That café is so gonna put you on the most wanted list!!!!

  6. The worst part about all this "secure" stuff is I have all my passwords written down in a notebook so I can remember them all. Just hope the people who break into my home won't find it.

  7. Haha Kellie, I too am way more interested in the thumb print and the cafe? er, cyber type? real?
    As for me, they previously had on occasion harassed me for a mobile no. I kept saying "no" and that was fine, until the day came when I couldn't access my account at all unless I gave it to them!!! HA, blackmail, yeah???

  8. I have also be asked for the back up mobile phone number and I dont have a mobile phone ! I had to give them Hub's just to allow me access to my blog. It was infuriating. Probably needed but infuriating none the less.

    1. I can see the logic in one phone number, but is two really necessary?

  9. The weirdest acct. set up I've had to deal with has been remembering all the damn passwords to all the accts. I have! I am the weirdest acct. set up I've had to deal with! :P

    1. LOL! It's a bit like that isn't it. And you can't keep them all the same because every account has a different set of rules!

  10. The worst part to thiose security questions is that I never remember remember what I wrote as my answer. I'm a libra. What's my favorite thing today, may very well not be my favorite thing tomorrow!!



    1. I went through a phase of putting made up answers in them, but then realised that I could never remember them.

  11. At work we have to change our passwords, like, every three months. Every "program" must have a unique password. Every password must have one capital letter, one number, and one symbol. All, no less than eight characters long. Sometimes I think the IT guys at my office just created this system to make us miserable. The best part is, 99 percent of the stuff I access at work is public record, none of it is sensitive... It has become so confusing and annoying that I now create rude passwords like #1PenisLover and 69=Awesome! It actually helps me remember.

    1. LOL! I can just imagine what our IT guys would say if we tried that!

  12. I have a password into a government system that I need ONE time per year to download an annual file. But their system makes me update my password every 8 weeks. (Getting reinstated takes forever or I'd just let it lapse until the following year.) The password must have upper and lowercase letters, a number and a symbol. The weirdest part? It must be EXACTLY 8 characters long.

  13. I had someone (from my city, I presume) send me some sort of fake email today claiming to work with a publication in my hometown that wants to do a story on me (but they just published one a couple months ago.) I sent her back a very basic, short email and got a message that the user did not exist. Not too long afterward I got an email (a fake/phishing deal) allegedly from gmail asking me to input my password because security had been breeched. Even that looks uber suspicious. Needless to say I've changed all of my passwords today & went through the whole google back up for a back up phone # and extra security codes. Blaaaah. What in the sam hell? *sigh* I hate creepazoids. I hate the need for alphanumericcapitolowercasesensitiveweirdass passwords. I feel you.

    1. I'm ridiculously suspicious of stuff like this. I assume everything is a scam.

  14. I use blogger and I refuse to give Google my phone info. Mainly because I keep all my passwords in a security vault guarded by robots with lasers than can only be deactivated by passing a urine test.

    1. LOL! For a minute I thought it said the the robots had to pass a urine test to be deactivated!

  15. I guess I don't worry about this as much as I should? I figure unless I'm popular/rich or the like... they are going to be fairly disappointed. Like not caring if someone steals my car as it's a POS.

    The whole fingerprint to the cafe thing sounds crazy! I wouldn't want anyone having that that didn't specifically need it. No thanks.

    I've not ever run into all those secure account details you mention with blogger/google. Asking for a second mobile, though, is ridiculous.

    Jak at The Cryton Chronicles & Dreams in the Shade of Ink

    1. The way I see it is if someone desperately wants my thumbprint, they'll probably steal it from my glass anyway. At least, that's how they do it in the movies.

  16. I recently joined up to a site which required a password. Not a problem, I typed in my chosen password, and it was rejected. Not long enough. Ok... add a few more letters. Still rejected, needs a number. Added a number, still rejected, needs a capital letter. Added a capital letter - still rejected, needs a symbol as well. Added the damn symbol. Great! Finally accepted password, now moved onto security questions! Decided I could live without joining the site.

    1. LOL! Sometimes they shoot themselves in the foot by doing that.

  17. Oh My, Kellie. You gave your thumbprint away? Not to the police, or the airport, but to a cafe? Lord have great mercy, should that print be harvested and used somewhere else!

    I know what you mean about security though. The more details you give away, the more they seem to want. What I really hate, is whenever you ring companies for quotes etc, they always seem to want to have all your personal/private details first before they can give you information. Nowadays I just put the phone down.

    1. If I get arrested for robbing a bank then I guess I'll know what they did with it ;D

  18. Don't get me started on passwords. I must have at least a dozen of them, all supposedly for "security". IT WORKS! It's so secure I can't remember any of them. Some require no more than 6 characters, some require at least 8. Some require numerals, some require capitals, some prohibit both. Grrr!


  19. It seems that a lot of sites are now asking for a backup cell phone number. AOl, Yahoo...I don't really understand the need. It's not like they have ever called me. I hate all the assorted passwords and security questions. I have an entire book of various logins written down. Lowandslow is right....Grrrr!

  20. I hate the ones with upper and lower case letters a number and a symbol. I can never remember the symbol cause it's only on like one or two passwords and I end up having to reset the damn things each time.

  21. Well when it comes down to needing fingerprints I'm going to have mine lasered off. That'll teach the bastards.

  22. I get the phone number thing and have always skipped it. Ain't no way anyone's getting my number!!!!
