Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Okay everyone, lets put on our serious topic undies...

I know I can be a little opinionated ... okay, I know I can be VERY opinionated ... but I normally refrain from writing about things that are too controversial.  I lean towards mind bogglingly stupid news articles, conversations with my cat, or the homoerotic nature of early 20th century children's literature.

Not that I have anything against posts that are about serious topics, I quite enjoy toasting marshmallows over the flame wars that start in the comments.  But if I decide to air my opinion on a topic, it's usually because I see it as a matter of common sense.

But when I was asked to write a post for AbortionChat this week, I decided to go ahead and do it despite my self imposed limits.  I thought it was such an interesting idea, a blog not dedicated to one side of the debate or the other, but set up for the sole purpose of allowing all sides to discuss the topic in a non judgemental way. 

So head on over to here and have a read!  Maybe you'll agree, maybe you won't, but hopefully you'll appreciate my opinion.


  1. I have my marshmallows ready!! you go gal!

  2. Replies
    1. Yeah, I'm probably going to get it on both sides for being "middle of the fence" but I know what I feel.

  3. Thanks... I will definitely go read it.

  4. oh wow I am glad I put on my serious topic underwear! :)

    1. Yep, we're heading into grave eleven debate topic territory here.

  5. Aww, my serious topic undies are in the laundry! Can I use my mildly pensive socks?

  6. In order to tackle tough topics you have to also be able to tackle the trivial...with humor. You are the BEST!

  7. You have my utmost respect; too few would touch the subject, especially without their prejudices lined up neatly against the wall.

    1. It's a hard one to do without smashing over other people's beliefs, and I'm sure I wasn't particularly successful in that, but I tried to be as sensitive as I could.

  8. My serious topic undies are kinda raggedy and the elastic is stretched, but I still left my comment over at the other post.

  9. Excellent, excellent post! Very common sense.


  10. Good read and well said. Some topics require our Serious Topic Panties. I would rather put them on than Kiddy Gloves.

    1. Perhaps a combination of the two is what's needed with topics like this.

  11. We all have opinions and mine closely resembles yours. Termination was never an option for me but I have friends who have made that call. I still love them, support them. It's a personal choice and I applaud the bravery of women for and against. Great post. Lisa xx

    1. I do get a little upset when other people say "How can you be against abortion for yourself but okay with other people doing it" as if I'm contradicting my own beliefs. If you're like me you must get that too.

  12. I think you handled that gracefully. I'm pro-choice but really my position is based on what you said. I don't know what's going on in another woman's life and if I'm not willing to raise the child she doesn't want for whatever reason I need to let her make her peace with whatever decision she makes.

    1. Someone once told me that I was pro-choice anti-abortion, which I suppose sums it up. I choose to not have abortion as an option for myself. Which, I guess, is also pro-choice :D

  13. It was an excellent article, thank you for taking part and sharing your opinion!

  14. I agree, it's really up to the individuals to decide what to do and no one else should have a say in it.

  15. I think it's fine to write about controversial issues, as long as you don't write it in an inflammatory way. Heading over to read your post. :-)

  16. I don't wear undies. Can I still join in on the fun?
    Okay, seriously, I respect your opinion. Now I'll have to go and find out what that is.

    1. Well, what do you know? (Don't answer that.) I both agree with and appreciate your opinion. I feel strangely relieved. ;)

    2. LOL! These controversial topics do give you a bit of a nervous rush, don't they.

    3. I was stressed out... What if Kellie's opinion compares with a stab in the back or a kick in the nuts or a spider in my hair? I mean.... you know....

  17. ACK my serious topic boxers are needing to be washed. Seems another friend posted about this topic and I've been contemplating just how to go about addressing my end of it all. I don't want to start a flame war for sure, so this outlet seems a bit safer... as if because the intent is to discuss that that won't be a factor involved :) It's regulated perhaps?

    *sigh* I think I will get on it once I sleep. Just to be a bit more of "sound" mind, if that is even possible.

    Jak at The Cryton Chronicles & Dreams in the Shade of Ink

    1. Jak, you always make me smile. Get to washing those boxers. :)

  18. Not a serious blogger myself but respect that you can move from fun and frivolity to a controversial and complex issue. I love your blog, btw.

  19. I always appreciate opinions, even if they don't match mine. Differing opinions make me think, make me form my own, and help me be evermore compassionate towards others.

    1. It's a hard one, that's for sure. Everyone has to make their own mind up about what they believe and make sure it's something they can live with.

  20. A great article and I couldn't agree with you more. My wife would personally never have one (we've talked about this before, a lot), but that doesn't mean that we're going to dictate what anyone else does.

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    Following you now! :)
    <3 Amanda*
